Paul Ashton's Fundraiser

It's time to end the incarceration generation!
I'm fighting for a more fair and effective justice system, will you join me?
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
The fight for justice is not one that can be waged or won alone. We need your help!
I believe that empathy is a powerful tool for social change, and that is one of the many reasons I joined JPI.
For nearly eight years, I've been a part of the JPI team working to end the devastation that mass incarceration has inflicted on communities around our country. I've had the privilege of doing damn near every job at JPI, and I can tell you the importance this organization plays in field of justice reform. JPI has given me a breadth of opportunity and experience, and I am happy to be a champion for this organization as we continue to lead the fight to end the incarceration generation.
Any donation goes a long way to provide JPI with the resources to continue fighting to end the incarceration generation. Will you join me in this fight? Contribute today!